D e c e m b e r  3 r d  —  9 t h
K o n z e r t h a u s  B e r l i n

We think of Christ­mas trees, Christ­mals songs and, of cour­se, a lot of pres­ents when we think of Christ­mas. We are hap­py to get them and exch­an­ge them with others. “beschenkt” is all about the over­whel­ming emo­ti­ons around gifts — and that some of the best are­n’t the ones wrap­ped in glitter.

Anna Stein­kog­ler: harp // Valen­tin Butt: bajan // Mar­tin Lutz: live-elec­tro­nics // Mer­ce­des del Rosa­rio Appu­glie­se and Flo­ri­an Bil­bao: dance and cho­reo­gra­phy // Chris­tin Vahl: set and stage design // Chris­ti­ne Mel­lich: dramaturgy
